Monday, August 27, 2012

T-shirt Dresses

On the last Saturday of every month, the OVC (Orphans and Vulnerable Children) Department of Mashiah Foundation holds a special program for the children we work with. Approximately 180-220 children attend every month. The OVC Department works with about 800 children, offering varying levels of assistance.

Today I took special note of this little girl because of her dress. I immediately recognized it as one of the t-shirt dresses my mom and the church ladies made in 2007. This pink one was probably handed down to her by her older sisters.

I just happened to have my camera in my pocket, so I said, "Let me 'snap' you." The little girl immediately struck a pose much to the delight of the adults standing nearby. She continued to give me a new pose every time I 'snapped' her. Gotta love that confidence.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

That dress has really lasted well, and it's good to see it.