Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Intentional Stewardship: A Lenten Journey

My Januarys usually begin with high hopes of this possibly being the year where I can finally get organized and get everything done that I'm supposed to do. Eventually I run out of steam, and I often feel overwhelmed by all the things that are left undone. 

I've started a few new habits this year which I've managed to be consistent with--to my delight. What is different this time? Well, the word 'stewardship' has been on my mind since the beginning of the year, and I feel this word gives me so much more direction than decluttering, getting organized, getting things done, donating things, etc. Stewardship gives me a purpose and a reason for why I do these things. 

I am a caretaker of so many things, and I want to do a good job of using those resources in the best way possible in order to honor the Lord. 

I found this post to be beneficial as I started digging deeper into stewardship.

As we begin this Lenten Journey of 2021, I invite you to join me as I reflect on stewardship now and then throughout the season of Lent. 

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