Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Phonics & Reading

David, 5, has been in an informal pre-school for the past two years. (He missed the kindergarten cut-off by 5 days.) Class size has been 4-5 with a teacher and an assistant. They have worked a lot on letters and their sounds.
Since David has mastered the basic sounds of letters, I have been doing some simple reading exercises with him. A couple months ago, he could only sound out words if they were written in all capital letters. But just recently I noticed that he is sounding out letters that are written in lowercase as well.
I tried him on some 'easy' readers that are part of our literacy library at Bezer Home. However, I found they really weren't that easy. In the first books he was encountering words like: look, here, where. These words are not ideal for a child who is just figuring out the basics of phonics. I have some sets of Bob Books at home so I went back to those. The Bob Books are built on basic phonics principles with only a few sounds introduced in each book. The child gets a lot of repetitive practice with the same sounds. I'm definitely a fan of Bob Books! I'm also a fan of phonics.
What a delight to see a child figure out how to read!

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